Flagship Projects
Application Mentorship Program
Contact: eaps-app-assistance@mit.edu
TIDE Recommendation Scorecard and associated Action Plan
Contact: Noah Anderson
Spring 2022 TIDE Reading Series: Racism, Colonialism, and Extraction in the Geosciences
Contact: tide.eaps@gmail.com
We have eight books available to borrow from the Charney Library on the 14th floor of Building 54 at MIT. Our current titles can be found here.
Wipe Racist Place Names Off the Map
Petition written in Spring 2021 in support of House Resolution 8455, the Reconciliation in Place Names Act.
DEI over Pie monthly reading group
Let us know if you are interested!
Affinity Groups for People of Color and those with Underrepresented Genders
Breakfasts for People of Color (Spring 2020). Contact: Lesly Franco
Underrepresented Genders Group (collaboration with WiXII). Contact: Ellen Lalk.
Collaborations with EAPS
Incorporating DEI speakers into department seminars
Contact: Raphaël Rousseau-Rizzi
Past Projects and Events
Summer-Fall 2020 DEI Reading Group (Contact: Noah Anderson)
Planning for the 2021 EAPS DEI Symposium (Contact: Rose Palermo)
Outreach Activities (Contact: Foteini Vervelidou)
Spring 2021 EAPS-wide URGE Pod (Contact: Henri Drake)
Outside Events and Programs
Freedom Summer Collegiate
Drawing inspiration from the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer, Freedom Summer Collegiate is working towards educational equity by collaborating with partner programs to bring the nation’s most promising future academics to students who face significant obstacles on the road to college. We recruit, train, and fund doctoral candidates to provide transformative summer seminars to college-bound high school students in underserved communities.
Contact: Marjorie Cantine (alum)